
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Page GL-23
restricted data
Restricted data channels do not allow the transmission of
occurrences of more than seven contiguous zero bits. See
also unrestricted data channel.
ring generator Circuit pack added to the power supply that generates a
high-voltage, 20–30 Hz signal to ring a telephone.
riser cable Cable that runs between floors in a multistory building and
connects wiring closets.
RS-232 Physical interface, specified by the Electronics Industries
Association (EIA), that transmits and receives
asynchronous data at distances of up to 50 feet (15 m).
Signaling in which the least significant
of every sixth
frame per channel is used for signaling in that channel.
ROM (read-only memory) Computer memory that can be read
but cannot be changed.
SAA (Supplemental Alert Adapter) Device that permits alerting
equipment to be connected to an analog multiline
telephone jack so that people working in noisy or remote
areas of a building can be alerted to incoming calls.
SA buttons Telephone buttons that provide access to both inside and
outside calls.
satellite system In a
private network,
communications system
that is
directly connected to and located within 200 miles of the
local system.
screen pop Refers to a computer-telephony software application that
takes caller information (for example, provided by Caller ID
service), queries a database, and displays a screen with
information about the caller onto a user’s PC screen.
Screen pop requires that an identifying number or code be
available to identify the calling party. See also
CTI link
SDN (Software Defined Network) AT&T private networking
service created by specialized software within the public
private network
arrangement where either two or four or
more communications systems are connected in a line,
with no particular system acting as the
hub system
. See
star configuration
SID [station (extension) identification]
signaling Sending of information between devices to set up,
maintain, or cease a connection such as a telephone call.
simplex signaling Transmission of signals in one direction only across a
telecommunications channel.