MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Managing the System
Page 6-79Revising Night Service with Group Assignment
Task List: Changing Group
Coverage Assignments 6
Obtain Form 7c, Group Coverage.
If necessary, read “Coverage” in the
Feature Reference
for detailed
information about this feature.
Plan changes using the planning guidelines above; record the new values
on Form 7c.
Open the System Programming menu from the console or a PC with SPM.
Program the change(s), following the instructions for “Group Coverage
Member Assignments” in the “Optional Group Features” section of
, Chapter 3, or the summary programming instructions below.
When you have finished, file Form 7c with the rest of the planning forms.
Programming Instructions 6
Revising Night Service
with Group Assignment 6
Use this procedure to add or remove extensions, lines (Release 4.1 and later
systems only), and a calling group to a Night Service group for after-hours
Planning Guidelines 6
Revising Night Service with Group Assignment may affect other features. For
more information, see the
Feature Reference
There can be a maximum of eight Night Service groups (no more than one for
each operator position assigned). Any number of extensions can be assigned to a
Night Service group, and an extension can belong to more than one group.
A calling group can also be assigned to a Night Service group.
In Release 4.1 and later systems, you assign outside lines, as well as extensions,
to a Night Service group. When Night Service is turned on by the operator, these
lines ring immediately at all extensions assigned to the group. This feature allows
Console Procedure
→More→ →Dial group no.→
→Dial ext. no.→ → →
PC Procedure
→ → →Type group no.→ →Type ext.
→ → →