Wireless Access Point User Guide
Rogue APs
A "Rouge AP" is an Access Point which should not be in use, and so can be considered to be
providing unauthorized access to your LAN.
This Access Point can assist to locate 2 types of Rogue APs:
• APs which have Wireless security disabled.
• APs which are not in the list of valid APs which you have provided.
When a Rogue AP is located, it is recorded in the log. If using SNMP, you can also choose to
have detection of a Rogue AP generate an SNMP trap.
Figure 57: Rogue AP Detection Screen
Data - Rogue AP Screen
Enable Detection
Enable Detection
To use this feature, enable the "Enable Rogue AP Detection"
checkbox, and select the desired wireless band and time
Select the desired Wireless band to scan to Rogue APs and
enter the desired time interval between each scan.
Detection generates
If using SNMP, checking this option will cause a SNMP trap
to be generated whenever a Rogue AP is detected. If not using
SNMP, do not enable this option.
Rogue Detection
No Security
If checked, then any AP operating with security disabled is
considered to be a Rogue AP.
Not in Legal AP List
If checked, then any AP not listed in the "Legal AP List" is
considered to be a Rogue AP. If checked, you must maintain
the Legal AP List.
Define Legal AP List
Click this button to open a sub-screen where you can modify
the "Legal AP List". This list must contain all known APs, so
must be kept up to date.