Security Settings - WPA-PSK
Like WEP, data is encrypted before transmission. WPA is more secure than WEP, and should
be used if possible. The PSK (Pre-shared Key) must be entered on each Wireless station. The
256Bit encryption key is derived from the PSK, and changes frequently.
Figure 16: WPA-PSK Wireless Security
Data - WPA-PSK Screen
Network Key
Enter the key value. Data is encrypted using a 256Bit key derived
from this key. Other Wireless Stations must use the same key.
WPA Encryption
Select the desired option. Other Wireless Stations must use the
same method.
• TKIP - Unicast (point-to-point) transmissions are encrypted
using TKIP, and multicast (broadcast) transmissions are not
• TKIP + 64 bit WEP - Unicast (point-to-point) transmissions
are encrypted using TKIP, and multicast (broadcast)
transmissions are encrypted using 64 bit WEP.
• TKIP + 128 bit WEP - Unicast (point-to-point)
transmissions are encrypted using TKIP, and multicast
(broadcast) transmissions are encrypted using 128 bit WEP.
• AES - CCMP - CCMP is the most common sub-type of
Advanced Encr
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