Leica VT1000 A
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
When used normally, the Vibratome VT1000 A requires only standard
To ensure trouble-free operation of the instrument over a long period of
time, the following is recommended by Leica:
• Thoroughlycleantheinstrumentonadailybasis.
• Fromtimetotime,oilthespecimenholder(see Fig. 4, Page 9), blade
holder and specimen clamp (e.g. after cleaning in the sterilization oven
or using solvents).
• Havetheinstrumentinspectedaccordingtothemaintenancecontract
by a qualified service engineer authorized by Leica.
The intervals depend on how heavily the instrument is used.
All service repairs covered under the Warranty Policy shall be
performed at no expense to the user.
In case of a complete failure of the instrument, follow this procedure:
• Firstcheckthepowersupplyonthepowersocket.
• Then,checkthefuse(s)ontherearsideoftheinstrument-see
Chapter 6.3 "Replacing components". For this purpose, it is mandatory
to disconnect the power cable from the power supply.
• Ifafuseisdefective,youmusthaveidentifiedandcorrectedthecause
of the burned-out fuse before plugging the power cable back in. If no
fuse is defective, please contact Leica service.
6.2 Maintenance instructions
Only authorized, qualified Leica service personnel may access the
internal components of the instrument for service or repair!