Operating Manual V 1.1 – 01/2010
Specimen bath area
After sectioning is completed, the specimen bath, specimen holder and
sectioning blade holder should be cleansed of any bath solution residue.
Any water-soluble solvent may be used unless it corrodes parts made
of polypropylene or nitrile rubber. The final flushes should be with clean
This procedure is intended to premature corrosion of metal components
in this area, buildup of substances or contamination of subsequent baths.
Magnifier lens
The lens in the lamp and magnifier module should be cleaned if possible
using a soft cloth soaked in ethanol or conventional glass cleaner. A final
buffing with clean dry tissue should follow.
Cleaning the instrument and outer surfaces
Any liquids spilled on the instrument should be wiped off immediately.
• Ifnecessary,thevarnishedoutsidesurfacescanbecleanedwith
a mild (nonabrasive) commercial household cleaner or soapy water
and then be wiped with a moist cloth.
• Theinstrumentmustbecompletelydrybeforeitcanbeusedagain.
• Anodizedparts(e.g.thespecimenclamps)canalsobecleanedwith
A vinyl instrument cover is provided in the accessory package for protec-
tion against dust or scratching between use.
6. Cleaning and Maintenance