Leica SP9000 – Automatic knife sharpener
Potential hazard
Caution: risk of injury when touch-
ing the knives and blades as these
are extremely sharp.
Warning: Avoid touching live parts
under any circumstances!
2.2 Safety instructions for hand-
ling the instrument
2. Safety
2.1 General information on instrument design and safe handling
This instrument has been built and tested in accordance with the safety
regulations for electrical measuring, control, regulating and laboratory
In order to maintain this condition and ensure safe operation, the opera-
tor must observe all the instructions and warnings contained in this in-
struction manual.
For current information about applicable standards, please refer to the
CE declaration of conformity on our Internet site:
www. histo-solutions.com
2.2 Safety instructions for handling the instrument
Correct behavior
Make sure to handle knives and blades very cau-
Never touch the cutting edge of knives and
Do not leave knives, blades and bladed knife hold-
ers unprotected.
The instrument cover may only be removed by
qualified service personnel!
Before removing the cover, ensure that the instru-
ment is unplugged.