Leica SP9000 – Automatic knife sharpener
5.10 Clean knife - inspect condition
Wipe knife with clean cloth moistened with solvent and inspect the cutting
facet under a microscope (1OOX). Keeping in mind that the coarse honing
action proceeds from the back of the facet to the edge of the knife, check to
see how much of the surface has been honed. Because each knife and its
condition is different, no specific time can be given to achieve the results
5.11 Clean glass plate - continue Coarse Honing if necessary
Wash the glass hone plate with a detergent under hot running tap water to
remove abrasive and fine metal particles. Wipe dry. If you feel further coarse
honing is necessary apply fresh, coarse abrasive and continue honing as
required. Inspect periodically to check progress. Add abrasive as needed.
Wash hone plate when abrasive becomes a dirty, raish colour.
With experience you will soon be able to determine when you
have a good, even coarse facet, uniform in appearance and have
completely removed the single, factory facet-or-the fine, cutting
facet produced by the Leica Knife Sharpener.
Abb. 17
5. Coarse honing procedure