Here the arrow keys control the movement of
the Z drive.
The movement speed for the fine focusing is
selected with the STEP key. For safety reasons,
the movement range is limited to 400 µm above
the focus position and 400 µm below the lower
Z position.
If both arrow keys are pressed at the same time,
the system switches to coarse focusing (SC).
The Z drive then moves at a higher speed. Here,
the movement range is limited by the set
threshold (lower Z position) and at the top end
by the focal plane (focus position), to prevent
collision damage. The coarse focus is switched
off the moment the two arrow keys are pressed
simultaneously again or a specific focus speed
is selected with the STEP key.
The AF key is not assigned yet.
The arrow keys define the direction in which the
stage is to move.
Two different speed modes can be preselected
(Slowmode/Fastmode) with the SPEED key. The
travel speed is increased as a function of the
speed mode with a predefined ramp: the longer
one of the arrow keys is pressed, the faster the
stage moves. The speed mode determines the
maximum speed.
The left footswitch is assigned a function via
key 1, the right footswitch via key 2.
After the microscope is switched on, the foot-
switches have the default function Magnifi-
cation change.
To assign a different function, first press key 1 or
2 and then the desired function key. An acoustic
signal is given for correct inputs.