The lamphousing for transmitted light
illumination for 12 V 100 W halogen lamps with
single-lens aspherical collector and heat
protection filter is an integral part of the
transmitted light illumination column. The halo-
gen lamp is preassembled. The chapter on
Troubleshooting includes a description of how
to assemble and change halogen lamps.
The cable on the illumination column can then
be connected to the 12 V 100 W socket on the
back of the microscope stand.
Fig. 4 Assembly of transmitted light illumination column
1 Transmitted light illumination column, 2 Pin of TL illu-
mination column, 3 Support surface, 4 Groove of support
surface, 5 Drill holes for fixing screws
Fig. 5 Transmitted light illumination column, back view
1 Knurled screw for clamping the transmitted light illumi-
nation column
Assembly of condensers
The technical description of the condensers can
be found in the chapter “Technical description”.
All condensers of the Leica DM IRB are
equipped with a 6-position rotating disc (6.2 and
8.3) and can be individually fitted with the
corresponding annular diaphragms for phase
contrast (PH), darkfield (DF) or IC prisms for TL
interference contrast (ICT) (10).
Usually the annular diaphragms are already
inserted in the condenser disc in the factory, so
you will not normally have to fit them yourself.
The condenser disc (11.5) is removed from the
condenser by slackening the screw (11.4) on the
underneath of the condenser.