The Driver Manager
Write the serial command
, as illustrated in Figure 132.
Figure 132: Writing a Serial Command
When writing a serial command:
- Enclose the strings in quotation marks (for example, "MUTE OFF")
- Prefix the hex characters with 0x or "$" (for example, 0x0D), unprefixed values are in decimal
(for example, 13)
- String and byte values should be separated by commas or spaces (for example, "BRIGHT
- If a protocol command states Carriage Return (<CR>) and/or Line Feed (<LF>) following the
command line, add 0x0D or 0x0A, respectively, outside the command quotation marks,
separated by a comma.
For example, “PWR” <CR> <LF> should appear as “PWR”,0x0D,0x0A
You can color the serial commands by right-clicking them (red, blue, green or the default black),
making it convenient to group them and to distinguish between outgoing and incoming commands
(see Figure 133).
Figure 133: Coloring the Serial Commands
By default, protocol commands for Kramer machines are colored black for outgoing commands,
red for feedback and green for queries
Note that if the serial command appears with a pink background, the command format is incorrect