CCoouupplliinngg tthhee hheeaaddsseett wwiitthh sseevveerraall mmoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneess
You can couple the headset with up to eight compatible mobile phones.
However, it can only be connected with one mobile telephone at a
time. If a further mobile telephone is coupled with the headset, the
coupling information of the first coupled mobile telephone is erased.
When the headset is switched on, within a few seconds it tries to establish
a connection with the default telephone or the last used mobile tele-
phone. If no connection can be established the headset nevertheless
remains recognizable to other mobile telephones. To use the headset
with a coupled mobile telephone, which is not the default or last used
mobile telephone, the connection must be established via the Bluetooth
menu of the mobile telephone.
DDiissccoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee ccoonnnneeccttiioonn
When you want to disconnect the mobile telephone from the headset
to connect it to, for example, another Bluetooth device:
• Switch the headset off
• disconnect the connection via the Bluetooth menu in the mobile tele-
You must not delete the coupling with the headset in the Bluetooth
menu to disconnect the connection.
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