
HHiigghh ffrreeqquueennccyy ssiiggnnaallss iinn vveehhiicclleess
HF signals can, under certain circumstances, negatively influence the
function of improperly installed or insufficiently shielded electronic systems
in vehicles, e.g. electronic ABS, electronic tempo controllers and airbag
systems. For further information about your vehicle or its possible ancillaries
get in touch with the respective manufacturer or their representative.
Because of the high frequency emissions do not use a switched on
headset in hospitals or operation rooms.
2. Puting into use
1. Remove the headset and accessories from the packaging.
2. Remove all adhesive tapes, foils and transport restraints.
IItteemmss ssuupppplliieedd
Before puting the device into use, check that all items are present
and free of visible damage.
Power supply unit
Vehicle adapter
Storage case
This operating manual
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IB_KH2356_JOE1223_LB5.qxd 29.01.2008 14:24 Uhr Seite 48