A-61003 September 1993
Code Operator Message Displayed Description/Action Required
E266 Clear error, re-enter trail code Press the Clear key.
Enter function code F32 to generate
trail end code.
E267 Clear error, re-enter IA Press the Clear key.
Use the NEXT key to enter an Image
Press the Run key to continue.
E268 Clear error, advance film Press the Clear key.
Enter function code F27 to advance film.
Press the Run key to continue.
E269 Use cassette side 1 Insert the film cassette so that side 1
will be exposed.
E270 Use cassette side 2 Insert the film cassette so that side 2
will be exposed.
E271 Wrong lens for film mode Change the lens reduction to match the
film mode selected, or
change the application mode to one
where the specified film mode and the
lens reduction selected are compatible.
E272 Select proper mask for film mode Select the proper mask for the film mode
selected, or
change the application mode to one
where the specified film mode and the
mask selected are compatible.
E275 Select proper lens for this mode Select the proper lens reduction for the
film mode selected, or
change the application mode to one
where the specified film mode and the
lens reduction selected are compatible.
E276 Check lens turret seating Rotate the lens turret so that it is locked
in place.
E280 Feeder off due to host request System is busy.
Feeder will be reactivated when the
system is no longer busy.
Wait until the message clears and