
A-61003 September 1993EB-8
Turn on main power switch, if necessary.
Turn on side panel switch.
Load film into cassette(s).
Load film cassette(s) into machine.
Select the lens holder position.
Select the mask.
Calibrate the machine.
Adjust the feed/separator rollers.
Adjust the feed shelf.
Adjust the feed shelf length.
Adjust the feeder side guides.
Adjust the exit hopper side guides.
Adjust the exit hopper end stop.
Install the proper exit hopper deflector.
Perform an exposure step test, if necessary.
Prepare documents to feed into transport.
Running a Job:
Enable the machine from the host system.
Select an application mode.
Input any temporary/override operating values.
Enter or verify the starting Image Address.
Enter or verify the starting document image level.
Press the Run key.
Feed documents.
Press the Stop key.
Execute Scanner End-of-Job.
Remove documents from the exit hopper.
Unload film cassette(s) from the machine.
Unload film from the cassette(s), if necessary.
Turn off side panel switch.
Turn off main power switch, if necessary.
Scanner/Microimager 990: