
19. Level Range (Figure19) --IL ll
Free-Standing.Adjustthelevelerfeettolevelrangewiththe countertop.
Unit must be level for optimum baking performance.Check levelness inside
oven using a level that is placedon oven rack.
Fornon-downdraftunitsgo to step 22.
(Figure 19)
20. Connect Blower Electrical (Downdraft Units Only) (Figure20) ,ow_,co,o
Connectthe blowerpower cord on the rangeto the blower (seeillustration.) _]__ iolli i I
21. Install Flex Duct (Downdraft Units Only) (Figure21)
Attach the flex duct to the blower and range (see illustration.) Using a
screwdriver,securelytighten duct clampat each connection. (Figure20)
22. CheckOperation (Figure22) _! _,f _k,_
Unpackand install grill elementin one side and optional cookingcartridge in
Be sure to remove all packagingmaterialsfrom unit priorto applying power.
Switchthe electricalcircuit breakerto the ON position.
ConsultUse & Care Manualfor operation. (Figure21)
Checkrangetop elements.Fancomeson automaticallywhengrill is turnedon, C.ECK .EAT pOWE,O,
Checkoven.C°°kingcheckventCartridgefan,doesnot energize fan automatically. __A,,
With vent fan on, check all vent duct connectionsto the outside to makesure __"
there are no air leaks. Verifyproperairflowwith airflowcard.
23. Install Lower Left and Right Side Toe Plates (Figure 23) (Figure22)
Pull protectivebackingfrom tape. ..,,, _ _.._--_ :
Set Sideplate on floor guide plate between cabinet and range until plate is
positionedoverthe side trim. Pressplate againstside trim on range to insure
tape has bonded.
For Non-Downdraftunits,finish your installationby replacingthe drawer.
24. InstallAccessPanel and LowerAdjustable Panel(Figure24) (Figure23)
After checkingfor air leaksat duct connections,installthe lower rangedoor.
Measurethedistancebetweenthe lowerpanelclipandthefloor.Dimension"A".
Cutcovemolding (providedon some units- see Note2)to thisDimension"A".
Insertcove molding (or otherselected material) into lower panelclip.
NOTE: 1) It will be easierto attachthe cove molding if the access door is
removedfrom the range.
2) To matchyour installation,variouscolorsofcove moldingmaybe
purchasedfromany building supplystore, i _,._S::._ '
25. Install Jars (Downdraft Units Only) (Figure25)
Openaccess panel. (Figure24)
Placedrain jars intotheir holderslocated behindthe front legs of the range.
NOTE:On units with oneside grilling,onlyone drain jar is supplied.