
15. ConnectElectrical (Four ConductorWire) (Figure15)
c oo. a esure oweroa.e
Removethe rangeelectrical servicecover, located on the back, lower _ ;'_
Removethe grounstrapscrewandbendthe strapup as shown.Installa 3/4"
(1.91cm) cable clampin the hole provided,belowthe terminalblock. I,_NOl
Strip3" (7.62cm) of outer insulationfrom the cable. ,GROUND
Strip 1/2" (1,27cm)of insulationfrom each wire. WIRE
Pullthe cablethroughthe cableclamp.
Makealoopinthe bare groundwire andattachitto the rangewiththe screw "BASe
that heldthe ground strap, _. _'OROUNC)wlSE
Attach the BLACK,RED,and WHITEwires (see#14.) Tightenthe terminal
block nuts andthe cable clamp. (Figure 15)
Tapethe ground strap to theWHITE wire as shown.Install electricalcover.
16. Install Options (Figure 16)
If the backsplash or side panels are to be used, install according to
instructionsincluded inthose accessories.
17. PositionRange(Figure 17)
Free-Standing,Adjustthe rangefeetsothe rangeandcabinetheightwill be
approximately the same. Slide the range into place, taking care not to --
damagefloor covering. . J'
Slide-In. Adjust range feet so that range top clears countertop. Slide/lift " /
range into place.Adjustfeet so rangeis adjacentto countertop surface. 4 I
18, Anti-Tip DeviceInstallation (Figure16)
NOTE: A risk of range tip over exists if the appliance is not installed in
accordancewith the installationinstructionsprovided.The proper use ofthese
devicesminimizesthe risk of TIP-OVER.In usingthese devices the consumer
muststillobservesafetyprecautionsas statedin the USE andCAREMANUAL
andavoid usingthe oven door and/or lowerdrawer as a step stool.
Instructionsare providedfor installationin eithera wood or concretefloor.Any
othertypeofconstructionmayrequirespecialinstallationtechniquesas deemed
necessaryto provideadequatefastening of the ANTI-TIPbracketto the floor.
STEP 1 - LocatingThe Brackets
Placethe unitin itsfinal location.
Removethe storagedrawer or lowerdoor panel(dependingon model
beinginstalled.) (Figure 17)
Markthe floorat the right andleftwherethe rangefront meetsthe floor.
NOTE: Protectthe floor with maskingtape prior to marking.
Removethe rangefor access to the bracket mountingpositions.Use
careto avoid damageto floor.
Drawalineon thefloor at the backof thecutoutwhich isoffset 23-5/16"
from the marks made at the front of the range (see illustration.) _1
Locate the center (side to side) of the cutout. See illustration for
free-standingand slide-indimensions.
Positionbrackets 13-7/8"from centerline andflushto thebackline as _1 2_5/16TYP
= [59.21 cm]
shown in the illustration.
Usethe bracketto mark holes for drilling.Proceedto STEP 2. _ _'F.o._0RAw_0_L'NES.AN_EAT
STEP2 - InstallingThe Brackets I
I .A-_L. (_8"2_'=.>
Wood Construction:Drill a I/8" pilot hole in the center of each of the SL_E-_N _01/_" [5 _/_6"
markedholepositions(anailorawlmaybeusedif adrilJisnotavailable.) F"_E-STAN0_(_6S2=,)
2g 7/8
Securethe ANTI-TIP brackets with the screws provided. Proceed to 1(75.8s_) (379__s/_S.m)_1 II
Cement or Concrete Construction: Suitable screws for concrete (Figure 18)
constructioncan beobtainedat a hardwarestore.Drillthe requiredsize
hole for the screw obtained in the center of each of the marked hole _._,-e._v_.ms
positions.SecuretheANTI-TIPbracketsto the floor, _ .._OKEr
STEP3- RangeInstallation __/_. - -
Alignthe range to its designatedlocationandslideitbackinto position.
Make surethat the rearlevelingfeet arefully insertedinto andsecured ___._"
by the ANTI-TIP brackets.NOTE: Leg levelers must be screwed out