
The storagedraweratthe bottomof the rangeis safe andconvenientforstoringmetal
glasscookware. Do NOT storeplastic,paperware,food orflammablematerialin this
drawer.Remove drawerto clean underrange.
To remove: Emptydrawerthenpulldrawer outto lrI,,_
thefirst stopposition. Liftupfrontof drawerand III I _-'3 I
pulltothe secondstopposition.Graspsidesand
I_tup andout to removedrawer.
To replace:Fitendsofdrawerglidesontorails. Lift
up drawer front and gent_ypush in to first stop
position.Liftupdraweragain endcontinuetoslide
drawerto the closedposition.
Somefloorsare notlevel. Forproperbaking,your
rangemustbe level. Levelinglegsarelocatedon __ f
each corner of the base on the range. Level by
turningthe legs.
To prevent rangefrom accidentlytipping,range
shou,dbe secured to the f,oorbysliding rear _
leveling leg intothe anti-tip bracket supplied with
the range.
The oventemperaturecan be adjustediftheoventemperature istoo lowortoohighand
the length of time to cook ALL foods is too long or too short. DO NOT adjust the
temperature if only one or two items are not baking properly.
To adjust the oven temperature:
1. Touch Bake Pad.
2. Touchand holdthe Up Arrow Pad until500o orhigherappearsinthe Display.
3. Immediately,touchand holdthe Bake Pad for severalsecondsuntil00° appears
inthe display.
4, TouchtheUp orDownArrow Pedetoselectthe temperaturechangedeairad.The
oventemperaturecanbeincreasedupto350orreducedbyas muchas350(display
wouldshow-35°) in 50increments.
5. Press theCancel/Off Pad andthe time ofday will reappearin thedisplay. The oven
willnowbake at theadjustedtemperature.
Note: It is not necessaryto readjustthe oven temperatureif there is a power
Important: The oventemperatureshouldbe adjustedno morethan 10oandthen
theovenshouldbetested, (We recommendedbaking2-9"yellowlayercakesusing
a purchasedboxmix.) If theoventemperatureisstilltoolowortoohigh,repeatthe