
Preheating is not necessary.
Foropen panroasting,placemeatorpoultryonthe slottedportionofthetwo-piece
pan includedwith the oven. Do notadd water tothe pan. Use open pen roasting
fortendercutsofmeat. Lesstendercutsofmeatneedto becookedby moistheat
in a coveredpan.
For best results,a meat thermometeris the mostaccurate guideto degree of
doneness. The tip of the thermometershouldbe locatedin thethickestpart of a
roast, not touching fat, bone, or gristle. For turkeys and large poultry prOducts,
insertthe tip of thethermometer intothe thickestpartofthe innerthigh.
Place roastfat side upto allowself bastingof meat duringroasting.
Since meatscontinueto cookafter being removedfrom the oven,remove roast
from ovenwhen it reaches an internaltemperatureabout 5 degrees below the
Forlesslossofjuicasandeasiercarving,allowabout15 minutesstandingtime affer
removingmeat from oven.
partiallythawed poultrywigcookunevenly.
Minutes per poundwill vary according to the size, shape, quality, and initial
temperatureof meataswellastheelectricalvoltageinyourarea. Timesarebased
on refrigeratorcold meat.
A large cut of meat will usuallyrequirefewer minutesper poundto roastthan a
smallercutof meat.
Sincethe breastmeat on a large turkeycooksmorequicklythan the thigharea,
placea foilcap overthebreastarea afterdesiredbrownnessis reachedtoprevent
overbrowning.(See above)
A stuffedturkeywillrequireanextra30 to 60 minutesdependingonsize. Stuffing
shouldreachan internaltemperatureof 165°F.
Use meat roastingcharts in standard cookbooksfor recommendedtimes and
temperaturesfor roastingcutsof meat notfoundon p.25.