A basic guideline is one teaspoon of detergent for Light - Models DW730, DW760 & DW860
each grain of water hardness (gpg). Use a mini- Place the proper amount of detergent in the Main
mum of three teaspoons (one tablespoon) in soft Wash cup only. Close the lid. The detergent willbe
water. Refer to the chart below, released automatically into the main wash.
NOTE: WhenusingUItradishwasherdetergents, Rinse & Hold
follow the package recommendations Do NOT use detergent with this cycle.
on the amount to use.
Rinse Aid
Water Your Jenn-Air dishwasher features an automatic
Hardness* Detergent Use rinse aid dispenser, located near the detergent
Soft 3 teaspoons dispenser on the door interior. Rinse aid improves
(0-3 grains) (fillcupto firstline) drying results and reduces spotting and filming.
Medium 4-9 teaspoons
(4-9 grains) (fillcuptosecondor thirdline To fill, turn dispenser cap counterclockwise to
Hard 10-12 teaspoons open. Remove cap and pour liquid rinse aid into
(10-12 grains) (fillcup to levelfull) the opening. Replace cap and turn clockwise.
* Yourlocal water utilitycan tell you the exact degree of The clear indicator inthe center ofthe cap changes
hardnessof yourwater supply.In rural areas, your from dark to light when the reservoir is nearly
state universityextensionservicecantell youhowto empty. This indicates that it is time to refill the
testyour waterhardness, dispenser. Note: When the cap is removed and
an "E" can be seen at the bottom of the rinse aid
For water hardness of 13-14 grains, add addi-
dispenser, it is empty.
tional detergent (1 teaspoon for each grain over
12) at the beginning of the main wash portion of
the cycle. (Open door, add detergent to bottom of
tub, close door and dishwasher will continue
through cycle.)
If water is 15 grains or harder, it will be virtually
impossible to get good results with any dish-
washer. The only solution is a mechanical water
softener to improve water quality.
Adding Detergent
Add Detergent to Dispenser Cup Just Before
You Se/ect the Cyc/e and Options.
Normal or Heavy
Place the proper amount of detergent in both the
Prewash and Main Wash cups. Close the lid.
Detergent will be released automatically into the
prewash and main wash.