Models DW730, DW760 & DW860-The left side Use the covered section for small, lightweight
of the lower rack has a section of lift-out tines, articles such as measuring cups and spoons,
When in place the tines will hold plates of various small plastic items, baby spoons, etc. Lower the
sizes.To remove the tines, press inward on the cover to keep these items in place.
front portion of the section and lift up to remove.
Models DW730, DW760 & DW860
When removed, wide and tall items such as Jenn- NOTE: Models DW700, DW710 and DW730 -
Air grill accessory parts, muffin tins, baking pans Silverware basket doesn't include a
and casserole dishes can be placed in this sec- handle.
Use only a powder or liquid detergent designed for
an automatic dishwasher. Never use soap, laun-
dry detergent or hand dishwashing detergent
in your dishwasher as it will cause severe
oversudsing. Use fresh detergent and store it in
a cool, dry place (not under the kitchen sink).
Recommended Amount to Use
The amount of detergent to use depends on the
water hardness (measured in grains per gallon--
gpg) and the amount of soil on the dishes. Gener-
ally detergent amounts should be increased for
Models DW730, DW760 & DW880 harder water and heavier soil.
Flatware Too little detergent can result in poor cleaning,
Put flatware in the removable silverware basket, hard water filming and spotting, and poor drying.
mixing knives, forks and spoons. To prevent them Overuse of detergent (especially in chemically
from nesting together, place some handles up softened water) can cause permanent etching
and some down. However, sharp or pointed items (cloudiness) of glassware. For detergents with low
should always be loaded with the handles up. phosphate content (8.7% or less) the usage level
may have to be increased. The phosphate con-
The silverware basket may be removed for ease tent is shown on the side of the box.
of loading or unloading.