Terminal Emulation Menu Screens
6400 Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide
The Numbers test checks the operation of the hand-held
computer microprocessor. During the test, the hand-held
computer display is filled with hexadecimal numbers that
move across the screen horizontally and scroll vertically.
Character movement indicates that the processor is still
This test is helpful in detecting lockups during severe oper-
ating conditions.
Timed Numbers
The Timed Numbers tests does the same thing as the N um-
bers test except that it keeps track of the time in seconds
that it took to run the test.
Version Info (Information)
Version Info (Information) screen shows:
The version of the program you are using
The release date of the program
Version of radio driver
Mac address of computer.
Firmware Name
Version x.xx
Date ddmmmyy
MLID Name xx.xx
Version Info