Terminal Emulation Menu Screens
6400 Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide
TXRate, is the data rate (in Mb/s) of the last message
transmitted by the Lucent radio. The default TXRate
of 2 Mb/s and will be displayed when the terminal
starts up and has not transmitted a frame yet. High
speed Lucent radio’s are capable of data rates of 1 Mb/
s, 2 Mb/s, 5.5 Mb/s, and 11 Mb/s. The TxRate 5.5 Mb/s
data rate is displayed as 6 Mb/s. This occurs because
the Lucent radio reports an integer value for current
transmission data rate, so the data rate of 5.5 Mb/s is
rounded up to 6 Mb/s.
Several factors influence the rate at which a frame is
transmitted. First, you can configure the radio’s trans-
mission rate in the
file. The keyword
in the
holds a numeric value indi-
cating the transmission rate. Table 2 shows the
Transmit_Rate values and their respective supported
transmission rates that are available in the high
speed Lucent radio’s.
The transmission rate is also affected by the charac-
teristics of the RF link. If the radio encounters p rob-
lems sending a higher transmission rate because the
RF link is weak, busy, or noisy, then the radio may
retry the transmission at a lower data rate. Therefore,
the TxRate reported may be lower than the configured
transmission rate. We only report the transmission
rate of the most recent and successful transmission.
Table 3-2
Supported Transmission Rates for the High
Speed Lucent Radio’s
Value Description
1 Fixed Low (1 Mb/s)
2 FixedStandard(2Mb/s)
3 ARS High (11 Mb/s = default)