V ideo file formats supported: MPEG1/2/4 H263 H264 VC1 RealVideo
MotionJPEG. The largest video format is supported 1080P(1920×1080) resolution.
24.My Video
The Operation with Music and Playlist
Sort by title or date added
In the all song interface, on the upper right click the , in the pop-up list select
sort by title, and then click the alphabetical of the right hand, the interface will quickly
jump to the songs match the first letter (including the first letter of the pinyin)in the
alphabetical list. If you select Sort by date added, all songs will sorted by add date.
Add playlist
1. Enter Play list interface → click .
2. Input the playlist name.
3. Tap Save.
1. In the all song, album, and artist list, Tap the music and hold for switch to
multi-select mode.
2. Select the music which you want to add to the list (if you don’t want to add,
tap it again to cancel).
3. Tap Add to playlist, and then select a playlist.
Rename or Delete playlist
Add music
Tap and hold on the music you want to delete → tap Delete.
Delete music
Switch to display mode, Tap the playlist → tap → Enter a new name in
the dialog box, and click Save. If you want delete the playlist, click →click