Delete Alarm
Tap to return to the Desktop screen.
Edit Alarm
1. Tap the Clock application icon →Click
2. Tap on the alarm you want to edit → make desired edits.
3. After editing, tap OK.
1. Tap the Clock application icon →Click
2. Tap on the alarm you want to delete.
3. Tap Delete →OK.
play store
The google paly store has many applications that you can quickly and easily download
to your Tablet.
Download Applications
1. Tap the paly store application icon.
The first time, it will prompt “Register” and “Login” options. If you have not
yet registered an google account, tap Register. Otherwise, tap Login and enter
login information and then tap Login again.
2. You can select applications from the default Featured group, by Categories, Top
(latest, hottest, random), or search by name.
3. Tap on an application →
4. After the app is downloaded, tap Install.
5. Tap Open to launch now, or Done to return to the paly store screen.