
166 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS User’s Guide
Secondary Node (SNODE)
The remote or secondary node (SNODE) is the Sterling Connect:Direct node that interacts with the primary
node (PNODE) during Process execution. SNODE may also be referred to as the participating
(non-controlling) or partner node. Every Process has one PNODE and one SNODE.
Session Manager (SMGR)
The session manager component executes the Sterling Connect:Direct Processes. You can set the initialization
parameters to make the SMGR either fixed or dynamic.
Spool Monitor (CDSPLMON)
The Sterling Connect:Direct Spool Monitor (CDSPLMON) is a variable component of Sterling Connect:Direct
for i5/OS. CDSPLMON uses Spool Monitor entries to associate output queues with destination Sterling
Connect:Direct nodes. These entries also include default values used to transfer spooled files.
Statistics Facility
The Sterling Connect:Direct Statistics Facility records Sterling Connect:Direct activities.
Statistics File
The statistics file holds Sterling Connect:Direct statistics records that document the history of a Process.
Statistics Manager (STATMGR)
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS logs statistics information for all Sterling Connect:Direct Processes. Each
component of Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS generates statistics data to the statistics manager
(STATMGR). The long-running STATMGR formats the statistics information and writes it to the statistics
Submitted Session Managers are session managers submitted by the Process Manager.
Synchronous Process execution occurs when you submit a Sterling Connect:Direct command. Processes such
as CDSND and CDRCV are submitted by the user and they execute immediately.
TCP/IP Listener
The TCP/IP Listener component requests session managers from the Process Manager when it receives
connection requests. The Process Manager starts and controls the TCPLIST component.