Controlling Processes 131
Press F11 to display View 2, which provides additional information about Processes you selected. You can
select an option to monitor or change Processes from this screen or the View 1 screen.
WRKCDPROC Option Descriptions
The seven options you can select from the Work With C:D Process screens are described in the following
paragraphs. To select these options, type the appropriate number in the option column next to the applicable
Changing Process Characteristics
Change (Option 2) allows you to modify certain Process characteristics. This option is only valid for
asynchronous local Processes. The date format is subject to the interpretation of the job currently running.
Moving an Nonexecuting Asynchronous Process
Hold (Option 3) allows you to move a nonexecuting asynchronous Process (WAIT or TIMER queue) to the
HOLD queue. No additional screen is displayed.
Removing an Nonexecuting Asynchronous Process
Delete (Option 4) allows you to remove a nonexecuting asynchronous Process from the system. The Process is
in any queue except ACTIVE or WAITQ when you delete it. When you delete a Process, a confirmation panel
Displaying Process Details
Display (Option 5) provides you the option to display details about any Process in the system. A sample of the
Process information follows.
Work with C:D Process
Type option and press Enter.
2=Change 3=Hold 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Release 7=End 8=Suspend
Process Process Security Scheduled Scheduled
Opt Name Number Ty ID Date Time Retry Prty
CDSND 00014895 A IDEVUSER : : 00 07
F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F21=Command line
Note: If Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus is installed and you have authority, a WRKCDPROC screen
containing Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus information displays after you press Enter. Refer to
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for i5/OS Implementation Guide for additional information.