1. Safety, Operation Panel, Teach Pendant (1) Safety
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and make the necessary action to the abnormal situations. Unless you make any
necessary action, there can be a failure which possibly result in serious personal
accident as well as stop of production.
(8) When you make necessary action for any abnormal situation and check the normal
operation, you can check in low speed operation whether abnormal situation is fixed.
However, it must not be checked even in low speed operation under the situation
that any workers stay inside the safety fence. Since it is not reliable situation,
another abnormal situation or any unexpected accident can take place.
1.1.8. Safety Measures for Entering Inside the Safety Fence
The robot is extremely heavy and powerful, even at low speed. When entering inside
working envelope of the robot, the applicable safety regulations of the country
concerned must be observed.
Operators must be aware of the fact that the robot can make unexpected movements.
A pause(stop) of robot in pattern of movements may be followed by a movement at high
speed. Operators must be aware of the fact that external signals can affect robot
programs in such a way that a certain pattern of movement change without warning.
During programming and testing, the enabling device must be released as soon as there
is no need for the robot to move.
The programmer must always take the teach pendant with him/her when entering through
the safety gate to the robot's working envelope so that no-one else can take over
control of the robot without his/her knowledge. Hang up the sign-board "Under robot
operation work" in front of the controller.
When you enter inside the working envelope of the robot, keep in mind the following
(1) Any workers other than programmer must not be allowed within the working
envelope of the robot.
(2) The operation selector on the teaching pendant must be in the teach lock mode