5. Application condition
- 6
5.5 Gun Search reference point record
In case of using servo gun or equalizer, reference position shall be recorded to reduce
wear of electrode.
Refer to Servo gun manual or robot equalizer manual for Gun search operation
① Off : Disable function of Gun search reference position record
② On : Enable function of Gun search reference position record
The following is displayed in Manual or Auto mode, as setting On for Gun search
reference position record
After installation of system, replace electrode with new and operate one cycle before
teaching job.
“ System” [PF2] → 3. Machine parameter → 5. Setting encoder offset 2. Encoder
calibration (Data input) must be set and 1 cycle of playback has to be performed
to record Gun Search reference point
Without recording Gun search reference point, error will occur if spot welding or
Gun Search is executed,
14:39:38 *** A U T O *** A:0 S:4
T0 G1 SW Wd-On SR:100% 1Cycl
PN:100[*]__ S/F:4/0 W:01S:01
Robot:H120, 6 axes, 10 steps
S1 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
S2 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
S3 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
S4 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
S5 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
S6 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
S7 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
Service Rel WAIT Cond Set
State of (Gun) search
reference position record.