74-2958—1 100
DestRmTemp nviSpaceTemp
Degrees F
14 to 122
Degrees C
(-10 to 50)
SI_INVALID X X X X SpaceTemp is the space temperature sensed by another node and is
typically bound to SpaceTemp of another node having a space temperature
sensor. If SpaceTemp has a value other than SI_INVALID it is used as the
sensed space temperature by the node rather than using any local hard-
wired sensor. If the value is outside the allowed range of -10 to 50 degrees
C (-18 to 90 degrees F), then the node uses the value of the nearest range
limit. When SpaceTemp is not bound to another node, SpaceTemp may be
used to fix the sensed temperature. A management node may write a value
other than SI_INVALID, causing the node to use SpaceTemp instead of the
hard-wired sensor. An application restart or power failure causes the fixed
sensor value to be forgotten and SpaceTemp to be returned to
SrcRmTemp nvoSpaceTemp
Degrees F
14 to 122
Degrees C
(-10 to 50)
SI_INVALID X X SpaceTemp is the sensed space temperature from the locally wired sensor.
SpaceTemp is typically bound to SpaceTemp of another node which may
not have its own space temperature sensor but control the same space.
The reported space temperature includes the offset correction
Config.SpaceTempZeroCal. If the space temperature sensor is not
connected or is shorted, or if SpaceTemp is bound to another node, then
SpaceTemp is set to SI_INVALID.
DestOaTemp nviOdTemp
Degrees F
-40 to 122
Degrees C
(-40 to 50)
SI_INVALID M X X X X OdTemp allows one outside air temperature sensor at a node to be shared
by many other nodes. When OdTemp is not SI_INVALID, then any local
sensor is ignored by the local control algorithm and OdTemp is used
instead. If the value is outside the allowed range of -40 to 50 degrees C (-
72 to 90 degrees F), then the node uses the value of the nearest range
SrcOaTemp nvoOdTemp
Degrees F
-40 to 122
Degrees C
(-40 to 50)
SI_INVALID M X X OdTemp allows the local outdoor temperature sensor to be shared with
other nodes and is typically bound to OdTemp on other nodes. If the local
sensor is configured by Select, OdTemp is periodically sent on the network.
If the local sensor is not configured or currently showing an error, the value
DestOaHum nviOdHum
10 to 90
SI_INVALID M X X X X OdHum allows one outdoor humidity sensor at a node to be shared by
many other nodes. When nviOdHum is not SI_INVALID, then the local
sensor, is ignored by the local control algorithm and OdHum is used
instead. If the value is outside the allowed range (10 to 90 percent), then
the node uses the value of the nearest range limit.
SrcOaHum nvoOdHum
10 to 90
SI_INVALID M X X OdHum allows the local outdoor humidity sensor to be shared with other
nodes and is typically bound to OdHum on other nodes. If the local sensor
is configured by Select, OdHum is periodically sent on the network. If the
local sensor is not configured or currently showing an error, the value is
Table 26. L
®/Open System Points. (Continued)
User Address NvName Field Name
Engineering Units: English
(Metric) or States plus Range
Digital State or
Value of State
E-Vision (M, P, S)
Direct Access
Hardware Config.
Manual Config.
Failure Detect
E-Vision Legend: (M) Monitor, (P) Parameter, (S) Schematic