4 - 12
DWORD dwTriggerTimeout; 0->300000 (milliseconds).
DWORD dwLowPowerTimeout; 0 -> 300.
DWORD dwLEDIntensityPercent; 0 -> 100%.
HHP_SYS_SPEED systemClockSpeed; Clock speed for reset of system (except RS-232).
HHP_AIMER_MODES AimerMode; Aimer always on, alternating between illumination
LEDs, or disabled.
DWORD dwAimerDuration; 0 -> 240000 (milliseconds).
DWORD dwAimerDelay; 0 -> 240000 (milliseconds).
DWORD dwImagerIdleTimeout; 0 -> 999999 (milliseconds).
DWORD dw RS232LowPwrTimeout; 0 -> 300 (seconds). RS-232 inactivity timeout
used to enter sleep mode.
These are used to notify on suspend (WinCE Suspend) – Not stored in imager:
HANDLE hPowerOffHandle; Handle for system suspend wakeup notification.
HWND hPowerOffHwnd; Window HWND for system suspend wakeup noti-
fication message.
Version setting item masks – Items are read only:
#define VERMASK_SDK_API 0x00001 SDK version number.
#define VERMASK_IMAGER_FIRMWARE 0x00002 Imager firmware version.
#define VERMASK_IMAGER_PART_NUM 0x00004 Imager part number.
#define VERMASK_IMAGER_BOOT_CODE 0x00008 Imager boot code version.
#define VERMASK_IMAGER_DEVICE_TYPE 0x00010 Device type of which imager is part.
#define VERMASK_ALL 0x0001f All version info mask.
Revision information:
typedef struct _tagHHP_VERSION_INFO
DWORD dwStructSize; Size of structure in bytes.
DWORD dwMask; Mask of active items.
TCHAR tcFirmwareRev[ MAX_VERSION_STRING_LEN ]; Imager firmware version.
TCHAR tcPartNumber[ MAX_VERSION_STRING_LEN ] ;Imager firmware part number.
TCHAR tcBootCodeRev[ MAX_VERSION_STRING_LEN ] ;Imager boot code version.
TCHAR tcDeviceType[ MAX_DEVICE_TYPE_STRING_LEN ] ;Imager device identifier.
Structure that includes all structures used to configure imager. See ConfigItems_t when specifying structure to call hh-
pReadConfigItem() and hhpWriteConfigItem().
typedef struct _tagHHP_CONFIG
DWORD dwStructSize; Size of HHP_CONFIG structure in bytes.
HHP_BEEPER beeperCfg; Beeper configuration structure.
HHP_TRIGGER triggerCfg; Trigger configuration structure.
HHP_DECODER_CONFIG decoderCfg; Decoder function configuration structure.
HHP_POWER_SETTINGS powerCfg; Power modes configuration structure.
HHP_VERSION_INFO versionInfo; Version information structure.
HHP_SYM_CONFIG symbolCfg; Decoder symbology enables and configuration
HHP_IMAGE_ACQUISITION imgAcqu; Image acquisition configuration structure.
HHP_IMAGE_TRANSFER imgTrans; Image transfer configuration structure.