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Trigger Modes Enum
Requires trigger to scan (either software or hardware). No Low
Power Mode.
UNUSED, Unused.
Requires trigger to scan (either software or hardware). Image
enters low power mode based on low power mode timeouts.
The imager uses ambient light to detect barcodes. For further
information please see the 5X80 Integration Manual.
Constantly looks for the scan stand barcode. When the imager
detects a barcode that is different from than the scan stand
barcode, it initiates a full trigger. For further information please
see the 5X80 Integration Manual.
Captures and sends an image when triggered (instead of
scanning for barcodes).
Sequence Mode
HHP_SEQ_DISABLED = 0, Sequence mode disabled.
HHP_SEQ_ENABLED, Sequence mode enabled but not required.
HHP_SEQ_REQUIRED Sequence mode enabled and required.
Serial Port Baud Rates
SERIAL_BAUD_300 = 300, 300 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_600 = 600, 600 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_1200 = 1200, 1200 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_2400 = 2400, 2400 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_4800 = 4800, 4800 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_9600 = 9600, 9600 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_19200 = 19200, 19200 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_38400 = 38400, 38400 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_57600 = 57600, 57600 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_115200 = 115200, 115200 BPS
// Baud Rates that Require USB Serial or SIO950 Compatible Serial Port Driver
SERIAL_BAUD_230400 = 230400, 230400 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_460800 = 460800, 460800 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_921600 = 921600, 921600 BPS
Baud Rates that Require USB Serial or SIO950 Compatible Serial Port Driver
SERIAL_BAUD_230400 = 230400, 230400 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_460800 = 460800, 460800 BPS
SERIAL_BAUD_921600 = 921600 921600 BPS