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Program Samples
Configuration Management
Sample 1 - Set code 39 defaults turning on Full ASCII
CODE39_Tcode39; // Structure for Code 39.
TCHAR tcErrMsg[ 128 ]; // Error message buffer.
Result_tnResult = RESULT_ERR_INTIALIZE; // Return code.
code39.dwStructSize = sizeof( CODE39_T ); // setup size parameter, used in
struct verification.
code39. dwMask = SYM_MASK_FLAGS; // you want all info.
if( (nResult = hhpReadSymbologyConfig( SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT,SYM_CODE39,&code39 )) ==
code39.dwFlags |= SYMBOLOGY_ENABLE_FULLASCII;// OR flags with Enable Full ASCII
flag to turn on code 39.
nResult = hhpWriteSymbologyConfig( SYM_CODE39,&code39 );
hhpGetErrorMessage( nResult,tcErrMsg );
_tprintf( _T(“Setup Code39 Returned: %s\n”),tcErrMsg;
Sample 2 - Set the capture mode to photo image
Note: This changes the imager configuration for the items selected. The imager uses these values if they are not overridden
at the time of image capture/transfer.
HHP_IMAGE_TRANSFER imgTrans; // Image transfer structure.
TCHAR tcErrMsg[ 128 ]; // Error message buffer.
Result_t nResult = RESULT_ERR_INTIALIZE; // Return code.
// Set the structure size and structure mask
imgTrans.dwStructSize = sizeof( HHP_IMAGE_TRANSFER);
// Turn on photo image mode.
ImgTrans.captureMode = HHP_AUTOEXPOSURE_PHOTO;
// Call the write configuration function specifying the HHP_ACQUISITION_STRUCTURE.
nResult = hhpWriteConfigItem( IMAGE_ACQUISITION,&imgTrans );
// Display error code (NOTE: RESULT_SUCCESS error code returns string SUCCESS.
hhpGetErrorMessage( nResult,tcErrMsg );
_tprintf( _T(“Change Imager Config To Photo Capture Mode: %s\n”),tcErrMsg;