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OEM-Configurable SDK Functionality
The 5X80 accommodates a variety of PDA/PDT, static mount, and "gun" type installations, so the 5X00 Series has included the
flexibility to modify some SDK behaviors. You can provide a DLL that affords the SDK access to the hardware trigger, hardware
sleep lines, and access to the open driver handle and registry entries, which can be used to specify high speed baud rates
(greater than 115200). You can also specify whether to force a Y-modem communications protocol for image transfers.
OEM Supplied DLL
The OEM DLL interface is described in SDK header file OemDll.h. The DLL can export some or all of the available functionality.
If the DLL is named ImgrHwrLines.dll and is located in the default library search path, it will be loaded automatically by the SDK.
Otherwise, it can by loaded manually by calling the SDK function hhpSetHardwareLineDllFileName. The DLL exports are
described in the following list:
ConfigureCommPort performs any special driver configuration that needs to be done to support the specified communication port
settings. Configuring the communications driver requires the current driver handle, so you must also support
SetCommDriverHandle(). The function is called by the SDK whenever you set/change the communication port settings. It is
called after the SDK is finished processing pConfig, so any changes you make will not be overridden.
bool ConfigureCommPort(
PCommPortConfig pConfig
Parameter Description
pConfig The communication settings requested. The CommPortConfig structure contains:
Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits and RTS control.
ImagerPoweredDown checks the imager powered down hardware line for the imager power state. The powered down hardware
line is active high. ImagerPoweredDown returns true if the hardware line is high, false if it is low.
bool ImagerPoweredDown(
ModifyCommPortDCB receives the RS-232 configuration (DCB) structure just before it's sent to the serial driver. You can then
modify the RTS/CTS and DTR/DTS settings if they are used for the imager’s power or trigger.
void ModifyCommPortDCB(
Parameter Description
LPDCB lpDCB Structure used by windows to configure a serial port.
SetCommDriverHandle receives the handle to the open communications port. The handle can then be used to access private
driver ioctl calls.
void SetCommDriverHandle(
HANDLE hDriver