Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronyms-1
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ACP array control processor
CCI command control interface
CHA channel adapter
CHP channel processor
CLPR cache logical partition
CSW cache switch
CU control unit (logical control unit)
CV customized volume
DASD direct-access storage device
DFW DASD fast write
DKA disk adapter
DKCMAIN Disk Controller Main
DKP disk processor
DRR data recovery and reconstruction
Enterprise System Connection (IBM trademark for optical channels)
GB gigabyte (see Convention for Storage Capacity Values
HBA host bus adapter
HDD hard disk drive
JRE Java Runtime Environment
KB kilobyte (see Convention for Storage Capacity Values
LAN local-area network
LDEV logical device
LDKC logical disk controller
LU logical unit
LUN logical unit number
LUSE LU size expansion
MB megabyte (see Convention for Storage Capacity Values
NSC network storage controller
NVS nonvolatile storage
PB petabyte (see Convention for Storage Capacity Values