Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Alternate Status 50h
Figure 6 Default Register Values
The meaning of the Error Register diagnostic codes resulting from power on, COMRESET or the
Execute Device Diagnostic command are shown in the following table.
Code Description
01h No error Detected
02h Formatter device error
03h Sector buffer error
04h Ecc circuitry error
05h Controller microprocessor error
Figure 7 Diagnostic Codes
12.2 Diagnostic and Reset considerations
The Set Max password, the Set Max security mode and the Set Max unlock counter don’t retain over
a Power On Reset but persist over a COMRESET or Soft Reset.
For each Reset and Execute Device Diagnostic, the Diagnostic is done as follows:
Execute Device Diagnostic
In all the above cases: Power on, COMRESET, Soft reset, and the EXECUTE DEVICE
DIAGNOSTIC command the Error register is shown in the following table.
Device 0 Passed Error Register
Yes 01h
No 0xh
Where x indicates the appropriate Diagnostic Code for the Power on, COMRESET, Soft reset, or Device
Diagnostic error.
Figure 8 Reset error register values
12.3 Power-off considerations
12.3.1 Load/Unload
Load/Unload is a functional mechanism of the HDD. It is controlled by the drive microcode.
Specifically, unloading of the heads is invoked by the commands:
Command Response
Standby UL -> Comp.
Standby immediate UL -> Comp.
Sleep UL -> Comp.
“UL” means “unload”.
“Comp” means “complete”.
Figure 9 Device’s behavior by ATA commands
Load/unload is also invoked as one of the idle modes of the drive.
The specified start/stop life of the product assumes that load/unload is operated normally, NOT in
emergency mode.