Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
6 LBA High
7 Device
8 LBA Low Previous
9 LBA Mid Previous
10 LBA High Previous
11 Reserved
12 Sector Count
13 Sector Count Previous
14 – 255 Reserved
256 – 510 Vendor Unique
511 Data Structure Checksum
Figure 58 Command Error information
The TAG field (Byte 0 bits 4-0) contains the tag number corresponding to a queued command, if the
NQ bit is cleared.
The NQ field (Byte 0 bit 7) indicates whether the error condition was a result of a non-queued or not.
If it is cleared, the error information corresponds to a queued command specified by the tag number
indicated in the TAG field.
The bytes 1 to 13 correspond to the contents of Shadow Register Block when the error was reported.
The Data Structure Checksum (Byte 511) contains the 2’s complement of the sum of the first 511
bytes in the data structure. The sum of all 512 bytes of the data structure will be zero when the
checksum is correct.
14.16.5 Phy Event Counter
Phy Event Counters are a feature to obtain more information about Phy level events that occur on
the interface. The counter values are not retained across power cycles. The counter values are
preserved across COMRESET and software resets. Counter Reset Mechanisms
There are 2 mechanisms by which the host can explicitly cause the Phy counters to be reset. The
first mechanism is to issue a BIST Activate FIS to the drive. The second mechanism uses the Read
Log Ext command. When the drive receives a Read Log Ext command for log page 11h and bit 0 in
Feature register is set to one, the drive returns the current counter values for the command and then
resets all Phy event counter values. Counter Identifiers
Each counter begins with a 16-bit identifier. The following table defines the counter value for each
For all counter descriptions, “transmitted” refers to items sent by the drive to the host and “received”
refers to items received by the drive from the host.
Bits 14:12 of the counter identifier convey the number of significant bits that counter uses. All
counter values consumes a multiple of 16-bits. The valid values for bit 14:12 and the corresponding
counter size are:
1h 16-bit counter
2h 32-bit counter
3h 48-bit counter
4h 64-bit counter