
Macintosh uninstall instructions
Use the following instructions to uninstall the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP software
from the computer:
1. Locate the HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP Uninstaller utility icon in the HP Color
LaserJet CM1015 MFP/CM1017 MFP Software folder by using the following path:
<system drive>/Applications/hplaserjetaio/HP Uninstaller
Double-click the HP Uninstaller icon to start the utility.
2. Specify whether you want to perform an uninstall for all HP devices, or only for a specific device.
If you select Uninstall selected, you must then specify the devices you want to uninstall from the
3. Click Next.
4. Select the appropriate check boxes to uninstall any additional items.
5. Click Uninstall.
6. When the uninstall process is complete, click Restart.
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