
14 Interconnects
This chapter contains information that applies to the supported interconnect types:
InfiniBand Interconnect (page 45)
Myrinet Interconnect (page 45)
Interconnect (page 45)
14.1 InfiniBand Interconnect
The notes in this section apply to the InfiniBand interconnect.
14.1.1 enable Password Problem With Voltaire Switch Version 4.1
The instructions for configuring Voltaire InfiniBand switch controller cards requires you to
change the factory default passwords for the admin and enable accounts, as follows:
Insert new (up to 8 characters) Enter password :
An issue exists where you must enter a password with exactly eight characters for the enable
account. The admin account is not affected.
If the new password does not contain exactly eight characters, the following message appears
when you try to log in with the new password:
Unauthorized mode for this user, wrong password or illegal mode in the first word.
This problem has been reported to Voltaire. As a work around, choose a password that is exactly
eight characters.
14.2 Myrinet Interconnect
The following release notes are specific to the Myrinet interconnect.
14.2.1 Myrinet Monitoring Line Card Can Become Unresponsive
A Myrinet monitoring line card can become unresponsive some period of time after it has been
set up with an IP address with DHCP. This is a problem known to Myricom. For more information,
see the following:
If the line card becomes unresponsive, re-seat the line card by sliding it out of its chassis slot and
then slide it back in. You can do this while the system is up; doing so does not interfere with
Myrinet traffic.
14.2.2 The clear_counters Command Does Not Work On The 256 Port Switch
The /opt/gm/sbin/clear_counters command does not clear the counters on the Myrinet
256 port switch. The web interface to the Myrinet 256 port switch has changed from the earlier,
smaller switches.
To clear the switch counters, you must open an interactive Web connection to the switch and
clear the counters using the menu commands. The gm_prodmode_mon script, which uses the
clear_counters command, will not clear the counters periodically, as it does on the smaller
This problem will be resolved in a future software update from Myricom.
14.3 QsNet
The following release notes are specific to the QsNet
® interconnect.
14.1 InfiniBand Interconnect 45