
3 Hardware Preparation
Hardware preparation tasks are documented in the HP XC Hardware Preparation Guide. This
chapter contains information that was not included in that document at the time of publication.
3.1 Upgrading BMC Firmware On HP ProLiant DL140 G2 and DL145
G2 Nodes
This note applies only if the hardware configuration contains HP ProLiant DL140 G2 or DL145
G2 nodes and you are upgrading an existing HP XC system from Version 2.1 or Version 3.0 to
Version 3.2.
The HP ProLiant DL140 G2 (G2) and DL145 G2 series of hardware models must be installed with
BMC firmware version 1.25 or greater. However, the BMC version 1.25 firmware was not
supported by HP XC Version 3.0 or earlier. As a result, you must update the BMC firmware on
these nodes after you upgrade the system to HP XC Version 3.2, which is contrary to the upgrade
instructions for a typical upgrade.
Before upgrading an HP XC system to Version 3.2, contact the HP XC Support Team and request
the procedure to upgrade the BMC firmware on HP ProLiant DL140 G2 and DL145 G2 nodes:
3.1 Upgrading BMC Firmware On HP ProLiant DL140 G2 and DL145 G2 Nodes 21