
Spare part number Description
677713-281 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Thailand (includes keyboard cable)
677713-291 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Japan (includes keyboard cable)
677713-A41 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Belgium (includes keyboard cable)
677713-B31 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in the Netherlands (includes keyboard cable)
677713-BB1 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Israel (includes keyboard cable)
677713-BG1 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Switzerland (includes keyboard cable)
677713-D61 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in India (includes keyboard cable)
677713-DH1 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Denmark, Finland and Norway (includes keyboard cable)
677713-DJ1 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in Greece (includes keyboard cable)
677713-FL1 Keyboard in ruby red finish for use in the Czech Republic and Slovenia (includes keyboard cable)
677714-001 Service door in ruby red finish (includes two rubber feet and shielding)
677715-001 128-GB solid-state drive
677716-001 System board for use only with computer models equipped with an Intel Celeron 867 1.3 GHZ, 2M
cache (includes processor and replacement thermal material)
677718-001 Top cover in ruby red finish for use only with computer models equipped with an Intel processor
(includes power button board and cable and TouchPad and TouchPad cable)
678034-001 Display enclosure in ruby red finish for use with computer models equipped with an AMD
processor and with WLAN and WWAN capability (includes WLAN antenna cables and
transceivers and WWAN antenna cables and transceivers)
678158-001 Service door in ruby red finish (includes two rubber feet and shielding)
678159-001 Top cover in ruby red finish for use only with computer models equipped with an AMD processor
(includes power button board and cable and TouchPad and TouchPad cable)
683097-001 Display enclosure for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models equipped with an
AMD processor and with WLAN and WWAN capability (includes WLAN antenna cables and
transceivers and WWAN antenna cables and transceivers)
683098-001 Service door for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models equipped with an AMD
processor (includes two rubber feet and shielding)
683099-001 Top cover for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models equipped with an AMD
processor (includes power button board and cable and TouchPad and TouchPad cable)
683100-001 Keyboard for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models for us in the United States
(includes keyboard cable)
683100-121 Keyboard for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models for use in Canada
(includes keyboard cable)
683100-161 Keyboard for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models for use in Latin America
(includes keyboard cable)
683100-201 Keyboard for Alexandre Herchcovitch Special Edition computer models in Brazil (includes
keyboard cable)
683483-001 Heat sink (includes replacement thermal material) (for use only with computer models equipped
with an AMD processor)
683532-001 System board for use only with computer models equipped with an AMD E2-1800 processor and
with WWAN capability (includes processor and replacement thermal material)
34 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog