Serial Interface Specifications
72 Apollo SL30 Installation Manual
This message outputs the current OBS setting, which may be read from an external resolver or
from user input to the front panel. After power up this message will be sent at a 10 Hz rate.
Message format:
“V”.................Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“22”................Message identifier.
v .....................Valid flag. “0” = OBS invalid/not present, “V” = OBS setting is valid.
ddd .................Three digit OBS setting, in degrees. Values are in the range of “000” to
Example message:
A valid OBS setting of 170 degrees.
This message outputs the current bearing from the active VOR station. This message will be
output even when a localizer is being tracked by the NAV receiver. In this case, the bearing will
be marked as invalid. After power up this message will be sent at a 10 Hz rate.
Message format:
“V”.................Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“23”................Message identifier.
v .....................Valid flag. “0” = bearing not valid, “V” = bearing is valid.
dddf................Bearing to a resolution of 1/10
of a degree. ddd = three digit bearing in
degrees, ranging from “000” to “359”. f = 1/10
of a degree.
Example message:
A valid bearing of 165.4 degrees FROM the active VOR station.
This message outputs the current bearing from the standby VOR station. This message will only
contain valid data when the standby frequency is a VOR and the unit is in monitor mode. This
message will be output even if valid data cannot be provided. In this case, the bearing will be
marked as invalid. After power up this message will be sent at a 1 Hz rate.
Message format:
“V”.................Message class. This is a VHF NAV message.
“24”................Message identifier.