34 Apollo SL30 Installation Manual
Indicator Head Type
Set up the SL30 for the indicator head type that it is connected to by using the Setup Mode as
1. Rotate the large knob to the SELECT INDICATOR HEAD TYPE display.
2. Press SEL. The type will flash.
3. Turn the small knob to select desired option: NONE, RESOLVER, CONVERTER, or SERIAL.
Selecting the RESOLVER option requires calibration, which is available by turning the
large knob CW to the next display. The options are defined as follows:
• NONE: No external resolver is supported. OBS mode allows the user to edit the OBS
with concentric knobs. Serial OBS update messages are supported in this mode, but
the unit will not flag if updates are discontinued or are not periodic.
• RESOLVER: Auto-decodes resolver setting via six-wire resolver interface. Uses
internal DSP to compute course information.
• CONVERTER: Disables all internal OBS functions. Disables VOR monitor and BC
selection. It allows use of conventional external converter via the composite output
• SERIAL: For use with serial Electronic Flight Instruments (EFIS) conforming to
Garmin AT SL30 serial data specification. See Appendix E – Serial Interface
Specifications. If serial OBS data is not received at a minimum 1 Hz rate, the NAV
unit will flag.
Note: No serial test messages are sent in the Setup Mode while testing CDI and GSI
4. Press ENT to accept and save the selected option.
Calibrating the Resolver Indicator Head Type
After selecting RESOLVER as the indicator head, it is necessary to calibrate the interface
between the SL30 and the resolver. The SL30 cannot drive multiple resolvers at the same
time. It is not recommended that external resolvers be switched through a relay or other
means because the resolver must be calibrated to the radio as described in this procedure. If
multiple resolvers are desired in the installation, the primary unit must be installed and
calibrated as described here. The secondary unit should use the composite output.
1. After selecting RESOLVER as the indicator head type, turn the large knob to the PRESS
2. Press SEL.
3. Follow the directions on the SL30 display.
Note: The accuracy of the system is dependent on this calibration. Do not rush this step.
4. At the end of the setup, press ENT to store the results.
5. Cycle the power switch (enter the normal mode).
6. Tune a VOR station (any VOR frequency).
7. Press OBS button.
8. Verify that the OBS decodes properly from 0 to 360 degrees.
If the SL0 will not accept the calibration or advances to the next prompt when the ENT key is
pressed, there may be a problem with the resolver interface.