This completes a basic explanation of the page
features of the eTrex. Now let’s have some fun.
Discovering the Fun of GPS Navigation
Discovering the fun of using your eTrex is as easy
as taking a quick walk around an open outdoor area. In
this brief exercise, you’ll mark your current location (your
home for example), travel a short distance away, and then
have the eTrex guide you back to where you started (to
get the most out of this exercise, make sure to walk for at
least the time noted for each step).
Creating a Waypoint
The fi rst step in the exercise is to mark your location
as a waypoint so you can return to it later.
To Mark a Waypoint:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the
‘MARK’ fi eld.
3. Press ENTER. The ‘MARK WAYPOINT’ Page appears
with ‘OK?’ highlighted.
Before we actually mark the waypoint, let’s change the
symbol to a house and the name ‘001’ to something a little
more meaningful such as HOME.
To change the waypoint symbol:
1. On the ‘MARK WAYPOINT’ Page, press the UP or
DOWN Button to highlight the small fl ag symbol
and press ENTER. Using the UP or DOWN Button,
scroll through the symbols and highlight the house
symbol. Press ENTER.
NOTE: The eTrex must be “READY TO
NAVIGATE” before you mark a waypoint.
You’ll fi nd the MARK
option on the ‘MENU’
The Elevation, Latitude
and Longitude are
displayed at the bottom
of the ‘MARK
WAYPOINT’ Page and
Getting Started
Let the Fun
etrex manual.indd 10/12/00, 11:16 AM14