The Getting Started Section introduces you to the basic
operation of the eTrex. The Reference Section shows you how to
use all of eTrex’s remaining features.
The First Step
The eTrex operates on information gathered from
satellites. To gather this information, take your eTrex
outside and fi nd a large, open area that has a clear view of
the sky (a nearby park would work fi ne). Press and hold
the POWER Button to turn the unit on. You’ll see the
Welcome Page for a few seconds while the eTrex performs
a self-test, followed by the Satellite Page.
The eTrex needs to receive at least three strong satellite
signals to fi nd your location. The Satellite Page shows you
graphically eTrex tracking satellites, the strength of the
satellite signals, and the satellite tracking status.
The Satellite Page
When you see the “READY TO NAVIGATE” message
on the Satellite Page, eTrex has found your location and
you are ready to go!
Backlighting and Contrast
If the lighting conditions make it hard for you to see
the screen, you can adjust the contrast or turn on the
backlight. Press and release the POWER Button from any
screen to turn on the backlight. The backlight is timed
to stay on for 30 seconds to save battery power. To
adjust the screen contrast, press the PAGE Button until
you see the Satellite Page. Press the UP Button to make
the screen darker, press the DOWN Button to make the
screen lighter.
The Welcome Page
Getting Started
Here We Go. . .
NOTE: When you use the eTrex for the fi rst
time, it will take up to fi ve minutes to fi nd your
location. After the fi rst use, eTrex only needs
about 15 to 45 seconds to fi nd your location.
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