The GPS 12CX is a powerful navigation tool that can guide you any-
where in the world. To better understand its operation and capabilities, it
may be helpful to review the basic terms and concepts briefly explained
Other navigation and GPS definitions used in the manual are defined in
the appropriate reference sections of the manual.
Almanac Data
Satellite constellation information (including location and health of sat-
ellites) that is transmitted to your receiver from every GPS satellite. Alma-
nac data must be acquired before GPS navigation can begin.
The compass direction from your position to a destination.
Course Made Good (CMG)
The bearing from the “active from” position (your starting point) to
your present position.
Crosstrack Error (XTK)
The distance you are off a desire course in either direction.
Desired Track
The compass course between the “from” and “to” waypoints.
Differential GPS (DGPS)
An extension of the GPS system that uses land-based radio beacons to
transmit position corrections to GPS receivers.
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
The time of day of your arrival at a destination.
Estimated Time Enroute (ETE)
The time left to your destination at your present speed.