Customizing the Navigation Pages
The ‘ETE’ field, located at bottom center on both
pages, is a user-selectable field that allows you to dis-
play a variety of navigation values for your trip.
To access the user-selectable field:
1. Highlight ‘ETE’, and press
2. Use the keypad to scroll through the possible options.
The following data options are available:
Estimated Time Enroute (ETE)— the estimated time remain
ing to reach your destination based on your present speed and
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)— the estimated time of day
at which you will arrive at your destination based on current
ground speed and track.
Course to Steer (CTS)— the recommended course to follow
in order to reduce cross track error and stay on course. Pro-
vides the most efficient heading to get back on course and
proceed along your route or GOTO.
Crosstrack Error (XTK)— the distance you are off the desired
course in either direction, left or right. This field will give you a
digital readout of the data depicted by the CDI.
Velocity Made Good (VMG)— the speed you are closing in
on a destination along the desired course. Also referred to as
the ‘vector velocity’ to your destination.
Turn (TRN)— the angle difference between the bearing to
your destination and your current track. ‘L’ indicates you should
turn left, ‘R’ indicates you should turn right.
User-Selectable Field
Compass Page User-selectableCompass Page User-selectable
Compass Page User-selectableCompass Page User-selectable
Compass Page User-selectable
Highway Page User-selectableHighway Page User-selectable
Highway Page User-selectableHighway Page User-selectable
Highway Page User-selectable