Rev G P/N 190-00181-02
1.3.2 General Specifications
Operating Temperature Range
-20°C to +55°C. For more details see Environmental
Qualification Form.
Humidity 95% non-condensing
Altitude Range -1,500 ft to 50,000 ft
Input Voltage Range
GPS 500 (011-00562-00, -10)
GNS 530 (011-00550-10, -30)
11 to 33 Vdc
Input Voltage Range
GNS 530 (011-00550-00)
22 to 33 Vdc
Input Voltage Range
GNS 530A (011-00835-00, -10)
28 Vdc
Power Requirements—P5001
(GNS 530 Main Connector)
1.8 A @ 27.5 Vdc (maximum)
3.6 A @ 13.75 Vdc (maximum)
Power Requirements—P5002
(COM Connector)
GNS 530 (011-00550-00)
GNS 530A (011-00835-00, -10)
15 mA @ 27.5 Vdc (not transmitting);
3.0 A @ 27.5 Vdc (transmitting)
Power Requirements—P5002
(COM Connector)
GNS 530 (011-00550-10)
15 mA @ 27.5 Vdc (not transmitting);
3.0 A @ 27.5 Vdc (transmitting)
15 mA @ 13.75 Vdc (not transmitting);
6.0 A @ 13.75 Vdc (transmitting)
Superflag Power Requirements 500 mA max. Per superflag output @ 27.5 Vdc
1.0 A max. @ 27.5 Vdc on P5001 (Main Superflags).
1.0 A max. @ 27.5 Vdc on P5006 (VOR/LOC, G/S
Software RTCA DO-178B level C
Environmental Testing RTCA DO-160C.
For more details see Environmental Qualification Forms.
1.3.3 GPS Specifications
Regulatory Compliance TSO C129a Class A(1), RTCA DO-208
Acquisition Time a) Search-the-Sky (without almanac, without initial position
or time): 5 minutes
b) AutoLocate
(with almanac, without initial position or
time): 5 minutes
c) Cold Start (position known to 300 nm, time known to 10
minutes, with valid almanac): 45 seconds
d) Warm Start (position known to 10 nm, time known to 10
minutes, with valid almanac and ephemeris): 15 seconds
Max Velocity 1000 kts.
Dynamics 6 g