P/N 190-00181-02 Rev G
Appendix B. STC Permission
Consistent with N8110.69 or Order 8110.4, Aviation Authority approved installers are hereby granted
permission to use STC #SA00864WI (GNS 530) data to modify aircraft.
Please contact Garmin for GPS 500 STC information.
Pages B-3 and B-4 provide clarification as to the approval basis for the Garmin GNS 430 without external
switching or annunciation. There is a great degree of similarity between the switching and annunciation
characteristics of the 500 Series units and of the GNS 430. In addition, the following is excerpted from a
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) memorandum titled, “INFORMATION: Q & A from Seattle
Avionics Workshop - (Navigation Related)”, dated July 12, 1999.
“The horizontal (and vertical) deviations display(s) and failure annunciation should be located within the
pilot's primary field of view (i.e., within 15 degrees of the pilot's primary line of sight), as should any
indication requiring immediate aircrew action. Other annunciations should be installed in the normal field
of view (e.g., a location in the center radio stack or other location on the pilot’s panel within the field of
view at a height suitable for normal viewing from the pilot’s seated position). This includes loss of
integrity monitoring (RAIM), waypoint sequencing, start of a turn, turn anticipation, TO/FROM indication,
approach mode annunciation and automatic mode switching.”
Pages B5 and B6 document the FAA design approval, indicating compliance with FAA Notice N8110.60.
As such, the 500 Series, with Main SW 3.0 or later FAA approved SW meets the requirements for GPS
primary means of navigation in oceanic and remote airspace, when used in conjunction with the 400 Series
Trainer Program incorporating the FDE Prediction Program. FAA design approval does not constitute an
operational approval. Refer to N8110.60 when seeking operational approval for GPS as the primary means
of navigation.