Part Three: Section 2
TAWS Operation
To display the TAWS Page, select the NAV group
and turn the small right knobuntiltheTAWSPage
is displayed. Terrain information, aircraft ground
on the page. Altitude is shown in increments of 20
feet or in increments of 10 meters, depending on unit
display reminds the pilot that altitude is GPS-derived.
The TAWS Page has two selectable view settings:
120˚ Viewing Angle on the TAWS Page
surrounding terrain on all sides
either side of the aircraft flight path
NOTE: The TAWS Page gives a “Track Up” display
orientation, as indicated by the “TRK” label shown on
the display. This is the only orientation available for the
TAWS Page.
To display a 120˚ view:
1. Select the TAWS Page and press MENU. Select
“View 120˚?”.
2. Press ENT. The TAWS Page displays the 120˚
view. To change to a 360˚ view, repeat step 1,
select “View 360˚?”, and press ENT.
Seven display ranges are available, allowing for a
more complete view of the surrounding area.
To change the display range:
1. Select the TAWS Page and press up or down
on the RNG key to select the desired range:
1 NM, 2 NM, 5 NM, 10 NM, 25 NM, 50 NM,
100 NM.
other navaids can be turned on or off on the TAWS
To show or hide aviation information:
1. Press MENU.
2. Select “Show (or Hide) Aviation Data?” and
press ENT. Pressing the CLR key when the
TAWS Page is displayed can also be used to
toggle aviation information on or off.
Aviation Data
Inhibit Mode
alerts when they are deemed unnecessary by the
alert. Pilots should use discretion when inhibiting
the TAWS system and always remember to enable the
alerts are disabled in the inhibit mode. See section 3
for more information on TAWS alerts.
190-00356-30 Rev C